Saturday, October 22, 2011

Gospel for Asia: Revolution in World Missions

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" -Jesus

"Reaching the most unreached"-Gospel for Asia

I think we’ve forgotten the power that God has and in doing so, we do not have the life that Jesus promises us: life to the full. Jesus came so that we may have life, and have it to the full. Life to the full as Jesus promises comes from the giving of ourselves for the needs of others. Many of us are so preoccupied with our own lives, that we don’t even give thought to the needs of others, especially the need of Jesus Christ. Jesus is a person’s greatest need because without him, we do not have eternal life with God, and there are many people dying every day without eternal life with God.

K.P. Yohannon is the president and founder of Gospel for Asia. In his book Revolution in World Missions, he tells of how God called him and gave him a burden to reach lost souls in Asia which ultimately led him to start an amazing ministry that sponsors native Asian missionaries and children in need. The Holy Spirit is moving and is transforming lives all throughout Asia and it has to do with the faithfulness and obedience of men and women (such as the native missionaries of GFA) who are boldly sharing Christ’s love with people within Asian villages that have never even heard of Jesus before. As these missionaries travel from village to village sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they face demonic oppression & opposition and severe persecution from many of the villagers because Hinduism, witchcraft and calling spirits is common practice for healing and religious beliefs. Despite this, these missionaries faithfully persevere and Christ has set many people free from the bondage of sin and demonic oppression.

Brother K.P. also shares in Revolution in World Missions, the vision God gave him to start Bridge of Hope, a child sponsorship program that provides an education, clothing, food, hygiene education and most importantly the Gospel of Jesus Christ to children in need. Through Bridge of Hope, there is an opportunity for families and even entire villages to receive the gift of eternal life with Jesus Christ, simply by sponsoring a child.

Get a free copy of the powerful and convicting book Revolution in World Missions and find out more about Gospel for Asia and how you can support them in the name of Christ. This book will definitely challenge you to reach out to the lost and to love your neighbor as yourself. With your faithfulness, you too will begin to live out your “life to the full”.

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