
Saturday, May 19, 2018

Reaching the Unreached

I can see Your heart
Eight billion different ways
Every precious one
A child You died to save
If You gave Your life to love them so will I
Like You would again a hundred billion times
But what measure could amount to Your desire
You’re the One who never leaves the one behind

-So Will I (100 Billion X) - Hillsong United

As I was praying this morning for many different things including unreached peoples of Somalia, these questions came to mind:

How can  we reach unreached peoples? Shouldn't this be the mission and goal of the church? And the passion of the church? 

Lord, give me, the church and its leaders a vision to reach unreached peoples.

I have no idea how to reach unreached people in Somalia or any other nation of the world with the gospel. I have no idea what I can do to meet their practical and physical needs to show them the love that Jesus has for them. I know God does. And He is. 

Operation World says:

"Prayer is indeed potent, and it has many facets. Prayer - especially sustained intercession for the unreached peoples of this world who do not yet know Jesus - is action:
  • Prayer is an act of faith
  • Prayer is an act of obedience
  • Prayer is an act of worship
  • Prayer is an act of warfare
  • Prayer is an act of sacrifice
  • Prayer is an act of labour
  • Prayer is an act of love
It is this longing for God's glory and for the return of Jesus as King that drives our prayers." 
(The book expounds on each of these facets of prayer.)

Even though I have no idea how to reach the unreached peoples of the world, I know that I can pray because prayer is action; praying for them is doing something for them. 

It also says:

"Prayer changes not only people, situations and even the course of history, but it also changes those who pray! It is dangerous for the enemy and also "dangerous" for you. There is a price to pay for standing in the gap between fallen humanity and a righteous God. That price may mean becoming an answer to your own prayers by giving your own time and finances - or even by going out as a witness in your Jerusalem (where you now live), your Judea (your own country), your Samaria (the other ethnic groups in your own country) or even to the ends of the earth."

The church is not praying for the unreached peoples of the world who do not yet know Jesus. If it were, then reaching the unreached would be its mission, goal and passion. The church would be ignited and united in order to reach them. Rather, the mindset of the church and the people of God is that reaching the lost and missions is reserved for people who are "called" to be missionaries or evangelists. This is a serous misconception that has caused the church to become weak and lose ground and effectiveness in the world. 

The problem derives from God's people no longer "longing for God's glory and for the return of Jesus as King." More from Operation World regarding this issue:

"In keeping with all we see of God's character and commands, we long for poverty to end, for justice towards the oppressed, for the blind to see and lame to walk, for widows and orphans to be looked after, for those in chains to be set at liberty, for the earth to be rightly stewarded, for wars to cease, for those at enmity with each other to be reconciled and for those who are lost to be found by Jesus and the salvation He brings. Many believers (and many who are not) work faithfully to see these things come to pass.

"In the end, such a vision will never completely come to pass without Jesus returning to assume the Kingship of this world. It is this that is the ultimate purpose of the Great Commission; even the evangelization of the entire world is not an end in itself. Our mission is to see vibrant, growing, mature churches planted and multiplied among every people, and so fulfill our Lord's mandate. But this is only the preparation and completion of the Bride; her Heavenly Bridegroom awaits her readiness. Too often we immerse ourselves in the task but lose sight of its ultimate purpose - the glory of God.

"Here lies the supreme missionary motivation. It is neither obedience to the Great Commission, nor compassion for the lost, nor excitement over the gospel, but zeal (even "jealousy") for the honour of Christ's name... no incentive is stronger than the longing that Christ should be given the honour that is due to His Name. (John Stott)"

It is a heart issue caused by many factors. Our motivation for reaching the unreached should be to bring glory to God by honoring the name of Jesus. It should be because we know that Jesus is coming back for those who believe in him and that he is going to rule over the earth as King. If you don't have passion to reach the lost, tell God that you want to glorify Him and start praying for the unreached peoples of the world. Root yourself in the Bible which is all about reaching the unreached. Read books, magazines and articles about missions, Christians living in persecution and our Christian forefathers and mothers who went before us and lived a Godly life in Christ Jesus. Meet and pray with other like-minded believers who have a desire to reach the unreached. I'm convinced that if you do these things, God will give you a passionate desire and vision to reach the unreached.
If you already do have a passion and vision to reach the lost, thank you for praying and please continue to pray for them. And may God give us all hearts and minds similar to His as described in these song lyrics by Hillsong United:

 I can see Your heart
Eight billion different ways
Every precious one
A child You died to save
If You gave Your life to love them so will I
Like You would again a hundred billion times
But what measure could amount to Your desire
You’re the One who never leaves the one behind

-So Will I (100 Billion X) - Hillsong United


  1. yes we are glad to pray for your work
    Here in India we are working with some gospel team
    God is using us to plant few new churches where is on ministry and churhes

    we are glad to add your ministry in our prayer list

    praying for you
    God bless you

  2. Thank you for your prayers and God bless your work in India!
