
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Prayer Targets For Our Persecuted Family: May 2018

The number one request of persecuted Christians is “Pray for us.” 

The 2018 Islamic month of Ramadan in the United States began the evening of Tuesday, May 15 and ends the evening of Thursday, June 14. This month we will be praying for Christians in Muslim nations as violence and persecution toward Christians increase during Ramadan. Pray also for Muslims to encounter Jesus as they fast and pray in an attempt to draw closer to Allah.

Haddad - Turkey
Haddad, a former Muslim, placed his faith in Christ recently after an elderly woman prayed for him at a bus station. His search for truth began with the woman’s simple prayer that God would guide him to salvation. Later, after deciding to follow Jesus, he got involved in a church without his family and friends knowing. Last year, however, his mother found Christian books and a Bible in his room and realized he had converted to Christianity. Haddad’s family beat him so badly that his leg was broken, and he also sustained injuries to his head and shoulders. After recovering, Haddad fled the country. Pray that Haddad and other new believers will grow in faith and have opportunities to share their faith with their families. Pray for reconciliation between Haddad and his family and that his family will come to faith in Jesus.

Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus. – Acts 4:29-30

Rahib Khalid and Azhar Iqbal - Pakistan
On April 17, four Islamic militants on motorcycles rode into a predominantly Christian neighborhood and shot two young Christian men. Rahib Khalid, 16, died at the scene, and Azhar Iqbal, 26, died later at the hospital. Two days earlier, three other Christians, including two girls, were injured in another local shooting. And on April 2, the day after Easter, militants killed four Christians and injured a girl in another attack. Pray for the families of Rahib and Azhar as well as the families of the other shooting victims. Pray that local believers will be strengthened by this persecution and continue to reflect the love of Christ to their Muslim neighbors.

Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude – 1 Peter 4:1 

Abraham Ben Moses - Indonesia
Well-known Christian apologist and former Muslim Abraham Ben Moses was arrested on the evening of Dec. 5, 2017, after authorities learned of a video in which he questions Muhammad’s teachings and shares the gospel with a Muslim taxi driver. The 53-year-old evangelist, from Tangerang, Java, was charged with blasphemy, hate speech and violating Indonesia’s information and electronic transactions law. If convicted, he faces up to five years in prison. Pray for his health while he is in prison, as he suffers from a blood glucose disorder. Pray that his wife, Ayu, and their young son will be protected and taken care of while he is away from home, and pray that their faith in Christ will remain strong.

Remain in me, and I will remain in you. – John 15:4

Please join others in prayer for our persecuted brothers in sisters at the Community Prayer Gathering on Sunday evenings at 7:00 PM at Bayview Wesleyan Church.

Prayer requests are from

The Voice of the Martyrs
1815 SE Bison Rd.
Bartlesville, OK 74006

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