
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Jesus Loves You If...

Jesus loves you if...

  • you are gay
  • you are lesbian
  • you are a murderer
  • you are a republican
  • you are a democrat
  • you are a liberal
  • you are a conservative
  • you are rich
  • you are poor
  • you had an abortion
  • you eat meat
  • you are a vegetarian
  • you hate church
  • you hate Christians
  • you hate Jesus
  • you are divorced
  • you haven't gone to church in years
  • you are pro-choice
  • you are pro- life
  • you are an atheist
  • you are agnostic
  • you are Muslim
  • you are a Bhuddist
  • you are Hindu
  • you worship Satan
  • you are Wiccan
  • you are black
  • you are white
  • you are Asian
  • you are Indian
  • you are prejudice
  • you are Catholic
  • you are protestant
  • you are married
  • you are single
  • you have children
  • you do not have children
  • you are unemployed
  • you have a job
  • you are in jail or prison
  • you have had a falling out with a loved one
  • your spouse died
  • you are fat
  • you are skinny
  • you are ugly
  • you are beautiful
  • you are mean
  • you are kind
  • you drink alcohol
  • you smoke
  • you chew
  • you do drugs
  • you look at porn
  • you are an addict
  • you hate the world
  • you abuse your wife and/or children
  • you are eco-friendly
  • you are old school
  • you had sex before marriage
  • you had or are having sex outside of your marriage
  • you only listen to Christian music
  • you only listen to secular music
  • you do not pray or read your Bible
  • you do not participate in mission work
  • you are not in vocational ministry
  • your spouse does not believe in Jesus
  • your children are prodigals
  • you are a prodigal
  • you have a disease or disability
  • you are handicapped
  • you suffer with depression
  • you are a prostitute
  • you are a gang member
  • you have tatooes and piercings
  • you are a whimp
  • you are not popular
  • you have been bullied
  • you are a bully
  • you hate yourself
  • you hate others
  • you are a drug dealer
  • you are a pimp
  • you are a thief
  • you have committed rape
  • you have killed another person in the military or as a law enforcement officer
  • you were not able to help someone and they died or their life was seriously impacted
  • you had a miscarriage
  • you put your child up for adoption
  • your lies and deceit negatively changed the course of someone's life
  • you are not good enough
  • you are a perfectionist
  • you are lazy
  • you are a hard worker
  • you are a homemaker
  • you work outside of the home
  • you were or are being abused
  • you were raped or sexually assaulted
  • a loved one was murdered
  • you survived an attempted murder
  • you were injured and or left physically impaired in an accident
  • you killed someone in an accident
  • you are a cutter
  • your parents do not love you
  • you feel like nobody cares
  • you are homeless
  • you were born into a country with no food and/or water
  • you have HIV/AIDS
  • you and your children are sick and dying from lack of clean water and food
  • everything you had was taken from you by an accident or natural disaster
  • your life sucks
  • you hate rich people
  • you hate poor people
  • you have never felt loved by anyone
  • you are persecuted for your faith or beliefs
  • you feel like everone is against you
  • you have attempted suicide
  • you are contemplating suicide
  • you have a loved one who committed suicide
  • you are alone
  • nobody gets you
  • you are weird
  • you are different
  • you have never won the lottery
  • your spouse can't stand you
  • you can't stand your spouse
  • you have not forgiven somebody for what they've done to you
  • you have not been forgiven for what you did to someone else
  • you caused a marriage to break up
  • you had an affair with a married person
  • you have murderous thoughts or violent tendencies
  • you cheat people out of money
  • you steal from your employer
  • you swear like a sailor
  • you have experienced severe trauma by something you've seen or had happen in your life
  • you were abandoned as a child
  • your spouse left you and your children for someone else.
  • you identify yourself by the names your verbally abusive parent(s) or spouse have given you
  • you have no peace in your life
  • you lost your job
  • you can hardly make ends meet
  • life did not turn out the way you expected
  • you think He is not there
This list could go on and on and on forever. I hope I did not leave anything out that is important to you. If so, let me know what it is in the comment  section. My point is, Jesus loves everyone, no matter who they are or what they've experienced in their lives.

So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him.- Luke 15:20

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