Thursday, April 13, 2023


I recently heard this story and was able to find it online. Apparently it was originally published in Reader's Digest. Some of you may have heard it before. 

It's about how the village of Shimabuku in Okinawa was changed after being visited by a Christian missionary on his way to Japan. The missionary wasn't there very long, but while he was, he taught two of the men a couple hymns, gave them a Bible, and encouraged them to live by it. Thirty years later, the entire village was living and operating under the authority of God's word. The men who visited the village after this occurred described it as an "oasis of serenity" among the chaos of other parts of the country that were affected war. 

The method is similar to what modern day disciple making movements are doing - training people to reach their own people.

The story also illustrates the influence that Christians have had on a society. Cultures that have been influenced by Christians have higher moral standards, recognize human rights and women's rights, are healthier, and more productive. It is because of Christian influence that slavery was abolished, that hospitals exist, and that crime is lowered. This is what building the kingdom of God is. God's kingdom overcomes the world until the entire world is conquered by God's love, justice and righteousness. 

When Christians go into an unreached village, which might include our place of work and/or the neighborhoods where we live, there should be an impact on the place and the people there. God's righteousness and justice that was not there before we came, should exist before we leave. A Christian is an ambassador of Christ the King, and should not go into an unreached place without representing the King by bringing forth some kind of change that will benefit the people and the community by providing them with Christ's love, righteousness, and/or justice.

It's interesting to think that everyone who lives in a society that has been influenced by Christians have benefited, whether they believe in God or not. So people argue about the existence of God, but unless they do not know history or the cultures of other nations, they cannot argue that Christians have benefited the world. 

Showing that we care about our neighbors and co-workers, helping the poor & needy, and widows & orphans are all ways to show God's love, righteousness, and justice, which will cause God's kingdom to grow.

Fighting against evil and injustice and fighting to establish God's righteousness and justice will conquer evil and cause God's kingdom to grow. 

Christians pray for God's kingdom to come to earth as it is in heaven. Another good thing to ask God is for eyes to see where the kingdom is not. After He shows you, then go there in order to bring God's kingdom there. Going to places where God’s kingdom is not, is not only for missionaries who are called to other nations, but for each and every Christian within their own neighborhood and community, because this is how God's kingdom comes to earth as it is in heaven.

I like the principle of leaving things better than how you found it or when you borrow something, give it back better than how you received it. Bringing God's kingdom to where it's not is the same principle.

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