
Sunday, September 17, 2023

10 Days of Prayer - Turning from Independence to Unity

Today's 10 Days of Prayer theme for repentance is, "Turning from Independence to Unity". We make church unity more complex than it needs to be. Here are a few of my thoughts about unity:

• Unity is not uniformity. Uniformity requires everyone to think exactly alike. Cult groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses and Latter Day Saints, as well as some Christian denominations, are defined as cults because they mandate what those within their group are allowed to think and believe. Unity on the other hand, allows for differences in thoughts and opinions that are based on the interpretation of Scripture, as long as they do not contradict what the Bible teaches, especially on matters pertaining to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 

• When I talk about unity, I am not saying that we must unite with those "Christians" and "churches" who deny that Jesus is Lord and King by adopting the culture's values and twisting his words in order to conform to their own personal belief system. I am thinking primarily about the people, groups and organizations who claim to be "Christian", but believe that Jesus allows and supports the homosexual lifestyle, sex outside of marriage, the gender issue, abortion, etc. Though they may self identify as being "Christian", they fail to understand that the Bible defines a Christian as being someone who follows Jesus. Since they do not follow the teachings of Jesus or submit to his Lordship, but rather conform to the culture and its desires, they are not Christians, and therefore God does not require the church to unite with such people, "churches", or organizations. Though they may identify as being a Christian or a church, they are not either by Biblical definitions and standards. 

(*Note: My comments above are for those people who self identify as being Christian, but refuse to submit to Christ by not following him. However, I believe that there are people who are truly seeking God within the homosexual lifestyle and who currently believe the things that I listed above, but they may not have yet been fully transformed by God, so they still have their cultural beliefs. However, they are beginning to have doubts because God is working on them. They are on their way out of that belief system and on their way to truth. Some of these may include men and women who are tempted with same sex desires, however they do not act on them because they either are on their way to truth or they have already submitted to Christ. In my opinion, the church can and should unite with them and pray for and provide whatever help we can offer.)

• Most institutional churches choose to operate independently from other churches. Reasons are many, but include fear of its members being led astray by the doctrines of the other churches in the area, a mentality of competition with the other churches in the area, and differences in opinion on strategies for missions and outreach. These are obstacles that are in the way of getting the work done that Christ has given the church to do. It is a necessity for Christians to get out of the institutional church mentality and to understand what Christ's purpose of the church is. When that happens, the church will start working together towards that goal, instead of working independently against one another . "A house divided will not stand. " - Jesus

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