Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Bible Overview: Sin and God's Desire to be the God of His People - Part 7

Sin and God's Desire to be the God of His People - The Tabernacle

When God speaks, He does not give vague generalities, but very specific instructions, all for His purposes and glory.

While the children of Israel were wandering in the wilderness, God instructed Moses to build a tent of meeting where the children of Israel could meet with God, and a tabernacle and furnishings where the priests would minister and offer the required sacrifices to the LORD. God gave Moses very detailed instructions on how to build each item. 

Whoever's heart was stirred to give, and whoever was willing, could offer the materials required and their talents to build the items. More than enough was given, therefore Moses commanded the people not to give anymore. God called certain men whom He filled with His Spirit to have the skill, knowledge and ability to do artistic works for the tabernacle, its furnishings and the priestly garments.

When it was completed, Moses inspected the completed work and saw that the children of Israel did the work just as God commanded. And Moses blessed them.

God would cover the tabernacle as a pillar of cloud by day or a pillar of fire by night. His glory filled the tabernacle. When the cloud was taken up, the children of Israel would go on in their journey. The pillar of cloud was there by day or a pillar of fire was there by night in the sight of all Israel throughout all their journeys.
Exodus 35-40

God was with the children of Israel because He wanted to be with them. They could meet with Him at the tent of meeting and the tabernacle was in preparation for the sacrificial system that He would use to forgive the sins of His people so that He could continue to be with them, because being with His people is His desire.

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