Saturday, November 13, 2021

Acts 2






Acts is about everything Jesus continued to do through his apostles and the church to make Himself known to the world after he left to go be with the Father.

The twelve disciples were witnesses to Jesus's life, miracles, suffering, death, resurrection and ascension to heaven.

They were also witnesses to two messengers of God who told them that Jesus will return.

Jesus instructed his disciples to stay in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit had come upon them, so that they would be witnesses to Him, from their own community to the ends of the earth.

Jesus went to heaven to be with the Father.

God sent the Holy Spirit to help the apostles and the church be witnesses of Jesus by telling everyone everything that Jesus did, to the ends of the earth.

The eleven apostles appointed Matthias to replace Judas as an apostle.

There were only about 120 believers at that time.


In Acts 2:1-4 the Holy Spirit came upon them as them as they were gathered together.

They began speaking in other languages, and the Jews who were there for Pentecost did not understand what was going on.

Some of them wondered what it meant, and others mocked them saying they were drunk!

The apostle Peter shared with them the things he saw Jesus do, and told them to turn from sin and to turn back to God.

Peter told them if they turned from sin and turned to God, and were baptized in the name of Jesus, they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Peter told them that this promise is to everyone the Lord calls.

About 3,000 people received Peter's word, were baptized, and were added as members of the body of Christ.

The church met together daily for teaching, fellowship, eating/communion, and prayer.

The Holy Spirit empowered the apostles to perform miracles and signs, so fear of the Lord came upon everyone who saw it.

All the believers were always together, and they used everything they had to advance the Kingdom of God.

They shared everything they had, and gave to anyone who had need.

They had favor with all the people, and the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.


📕 Acts 2





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