Saturday, December 23, 2017

Life On Mission: Chris and Sarah Collins

My friends, Chris and Sarah Collins, are preparing to serve as long-term missionaries in Puebla, Mexico. I hope you enjoy their story below and please consider providing them with prayer and financial support.

Hi! My name is Chris Collins. My wife Sarah and I are preparing to go to Puebla, Mexico to serve as long-term missionaries with Camino Global. Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ through orphan care and theological education.
God began this work in our hearts many years ago. For both of us, God began stirring a passion in our hearts during our high school years to reach Spanish-speaking people. We each had multiple opportunities to serve in missions overseas in Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, and Puerto Rico, even before we met. When God brought us together 3 years ago, we knew from the beginning that He was calling us to serve as missionaries to Spanish speakers.
Our mission agency, Camino Global (formerly CAM International), has as their mission “making disciples among Spanish-speakers globally.” This is the same passion God has given Sarah and me, and we are thankful that He led us to this agency. You can learn more about Camino Global at

Orphan Care in Puebla, Mexico

Our focus on Mexico began when Sarah was searching for an opportunity to serve in an orphanage. During her time in Argentina, God gave Sarah the opportunity to work in an orphanage and burdened her heart for these needy children. In Puebla, some missionaries had been praying for years to be able to start an orphan care ministry, but they needed more workers.
There are over 1,500,000 orphans in Mexico. The vast majority of them are living on the streets, without a home, without adequate food and clothing, and most sadly, without God.
Our desire is to work alongside a team of missionaries, as well as with national believers, to establish the New Beginnings orphan home. Beyond this, we desire not only to care for orphans ourselves, but also to help raise awareness and a desire to help among believers in Mexico. The need is great, but the workers are few.

Theological Education in Puebla, Mexico

God confirmed my desire to serve in Puebla when He brought to my attention the need for teachers at Puebla Bible Seminary. For years it has been my desire and passion in ministry to train young men to be pastors and leaders in their churches. It is my firm belief that these national believers can reach their own people far more effectively than I can. At Puebla Bible Seminary, I will have the opportunity to teach Bible and Greek classes, as well as to personally mentor and disciple students as they prepare to serve the Lord across Mexico, and potentially across the world.
My desire is to instill in these students not only a passion for ministry, but more importantly a deep personal passion to know God and make Him known through their ministry. I am very excited for the opportunity to serve in this way.

Financial Support Needs

As we prepare to serve the Lord in Mexico, God is building up for us a monthly financial support team of churches and individuals who are passionate about God and want to be involved in our lives and ministry in Mexico. We currently have about 80% of our monthly support needs.
Would you please pray with us for the remaining support to come in quickly so we can begin this ministry in Mexico? And if God enables you, would you consider becoming part of our monthly support team or help us out with a special year-end gift?
You can learn more about our ministry at our blog ( or on our Facebook page ( You can contact us at or call or text me at 231-878-4567.

Thank you!

Your fellow servants,

Chris and Sarah Collins

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