Friday, June 2, 2017

Love Your Enemies: The Taliban

"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven." ~ Jesus (Matthew 5:43-45). 

In order to have a better understand how to pray, it's helpful to know who it is we're praying for. Jesus tells us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. As we continue to pray for persecuted Christians in Afghanistan until June 18, we encourage you to also pray for those who are persecuting them.  

The Taliban emerged in northern Pakistan in the early '90's following the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan in 1989. Their objectives were to fight crime and corruption, and to restore peace and security. Once in power, the Taliban chose to accomplish these objectives by enforcing their own version of Sharia law.

Under Sharia law, the Taliban banned music and television, education for girls over 10 years of age and women in the workplace. Women must be covered from head to toe in a burqa while in public places. The Taliban's "war on women" has earned them the reputation of being one of the top oppressors of women in the world.

The Taliban introduced or supported Islamic punishments - such as public executions of convicted murderers and adulterers and amputations of those found guilty of theft.

The Pakistani government and intelligence service supported the Taliban by training and arming fighters to protect a major trade route to Central Asia. In 1996, the Taliban took the Afghanistan capital city of Kabul and by 2001 they controlled 90 percent of Afghanistan. 

In its efforts to control Afghanistan, the Taliban fiercely persecuted Christians by abducting many and invading their homes. Converts from Islam were ordered to return to Islam or be executed. Many were killed for not renouncing their faith in Jesus. 

Though the United States drove the Taliban out of Kabul and eventually from power following the 9/11 attacks against the U.S., the Taliban still exists in Afghanistan. There have been several attacks in recent times that the Taliban takes responsibility for, including attacks against Christians. 

Despite the great danger involved, Christians throughout Afghanistan continue to meet secretly to avoid unwanted attention from the Taliban or other radical Muslims. With great courage and boldness, Christians are counting the cost of advancing God's kingdom and laying down their lives by continuing to share the love of Jesus with Muslims. 

Please pray for members of the Taliban; these enemies and persecutors of Christians. God loves them and wants to be in a relationship with them. Pray that they will turn from their evil ways and come to know the One True God, Jesus Christ, who loves and cares for them deeply. 

Information was provided by "Christians Facing Islamic Extremists" published by The Voice of the Martyrs and "Who are the Taliban?" published by BBC News May 26, 2016. 

The Voice of the Martyrs
1815 SE Bison Rd
Bartlesville, OK 74006

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