
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Looking Back at the 2015 VOM Regional Conference: Sarah Liu: Bibles

"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." -Hebrews 4:12

I just went around the house and counted eleven Bibles. I keep one in my company truck and another one in my car, so that makes thirteen. Most of them sit on the shelf collecting dust. 

Bibles are scarce in other parts of the world and other than prayer, Bibles are the primary request for persecuted Christians. There might not be a bookstore to go purchase one, or if there is a bookstore, it might not stock Bibles. Christianity is not the prevalent religion in most nations and other people groups may be hostile toward Christians and the Bible. In other areas, Jesus has not even been heard of. The Bible just simply does not exist in these locations.

Bibles are illegal in some parts of the world. Christians in these parts of the world share pages that have been torn out of a Bible or I've heard of believers that hand write the entire Bible on pieces of paper so that they have their own copy of the Word of God. Believers that do not have a written copy of the Bible, might memorize it so that God's Word is written on their hearts and minds. If they do have a Bible, they may need to keep it hidden or face the consequences which might include being banished from their home or city, imprisonment, torture or even death. 

Sarah Liu
Sarah Liu was an editor of an underground newspaper in China. One night, Chinese authorities broke into her home, abducted her, tortured her and kept her imprisoned for six years making Christmas lights to send to America. Like so many others who have been persecuted for Christ, her's is a story of courage, faith and faithfulness amidst tremendous fear and torture. Her story is dramatized in the video below.  

"Sarah's Trail of Blood" Video provided by The Voice of the Martyrs
PO Box 443 Bartlesville, OK 74003

Sarah Liu told her story of suffering persecution at the hands of the communist government at the 2015 Voice of the Martyrs Regional Conference. While being tortured, she thought about Scripture which brought her comfort and courage in time of suffering. As she saw her own trail of blood, she thought about how Jesus must have also left a trail of blood as he was being led to Golgotha. This thought gave her courage and she was honored to share in his suffering. 

Through her suffering, Sarah Liu realized that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ (Romans 8:35-39); that when one part suffers, we all suffer (1 Corinthians 12:26); and to "Consider it pure joy... that the testing of your faith develops perseverance" (James 1:2-3). 

Sarah Liu explained the importance of believers having a Bible, especially when facing persecution and praying. She pointed to Hebrews 4:12: 
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." 

Sarah Liu said to use your Bible as a weapon. 
Many of us have Bibles that sit on the shelf collecting dust, or just merely read it like we're reading a novel. As we pray for others and all that is going on in the world, it is important to remember that the Bible is the word of God and that we should use it as a weapon of offense, or a sword, as Hebrews 4:12 and Ephesians 6:17 call it. Read it, study it, meditate on it, memorize it and ask God to write it on your heart. Use it when you're interceding for others. Recite God's promises that are all throughout the Bible and what He's already accomplished through his Son Jesus Christ. Tell others what the Bible has to say relating to your conversations as you go about your day and watch the living and active word of God pierce the hearts of those you are talking to. Use your Bible as a weapon.

Sarah Liu said to support persecuted brothers and sisters with Bibles. 
For a follower of Jesus, the Bible is as important as air is to breathe, water is to drink or food is to eat. It is the Christian's spiritual food and nourishment. Without it, we can die spiritually. It provides faith, courage, strength, wisdom, joy, comfort and everything else that a believer needs to live. So, in places of the world where Bibles are not sold in stores or are illegal, it is vitally important to send them Bibles or to smuggle them in. 
You can send Bibles to persecuted believers in restricted nations at The Voice of the Martyrs Bibles Unbound or you can reach Muslims for Christ by sending Muslim Outreach Bibles through Biglife

When Sarah Liu became a follower of Jesus, she spent several months studying nothing but the Gospels. If you want to become like Jesus, study the four Gospels.
God gave us the books about the life of His Son so that we can strive to live and become like Jesus. With the help of the Holy Spirit, as we learn to live and become more and more like him, we will know what to do and how to react to different circumstances in our own lives such as persecution.

Sarah Liu now works to support persecuted Christians through China Aid. Because of her courage and faithfulness to be obedient to Christ, we can learn how to better support our persecuted family and her story helps us to grow in our own faith.

Sarah Liu will be speaking at several of The Voice of the Martyrs Advance Conferences around the United States this fall, including Roseville, MI on September 10, 2016 at Cornerstone Baptist Church. Register for a Voice of the Martyrs Advance Conference in your area at

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