
The 10/40 Window

                     “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” ~Matthew 9: 37-38

"It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation. Rather, as it is written:
'Those who were not told about him will see,
and those who have not heard will understand.'"
-The apostle Paul, Romans 15:20-21

Most of the people groups still unreached by the gospel live in places stretching across the maps of northern Africa and Asia. Christian missions strategist Luis Bush started calling this rectangular area or band: "the 10/40 window." He used that easy-to-remember name because it lies across Africa and Asia from 10 degrees latitude north of the equator to 40 degrees latitude north of the equator.

Nations Within the 10/40 Window

- Afghanistan        - Gambia              - Lebanon                 - Saudi Arabia
- Algeria                - Gibraltar            - Libya                      - Senegal
- Bahrain               - Greece                - Macau                    - Sudan
- Bangladesh         - Guinea                - Mali                       - Syria
- Benin                  - Guinea-Bissau    - Malta                      - Taiwan
- Bhutan                - India                   - Mauritania              - Tajikistan
- Burkina Faso      - Iran                     - Morroco                  -Thailand
- Cambodia           - Iraq                     - Myanmar (Burma)  - Tunisia
- Chad                   - Israel                   - Nepal                      - Turkey
- China                  - Japan                   - Niger                      - Turkmenistan
- Cyprus                - Jordan                 - Oman                      - United Arab Emirates
- Djibouti              - Korea, North       - Pakistan                  - Vietnam
- Egypt                  - Korea, South      - Philippines              - Western Sahara
- Eritrea                - Kuwait                - Portugal                   - Yemen
- Ethiopia              - Laos                    - Qatar

*Information provided by:
Christian Missions 10/40 Window Map and Explanation

Map provided by Living Hope Church.

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